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I am accepting new referrals for ADHD and Autism assessments.


I provide a comprehensive, evidence-based approach to the assessment of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder and Autism Spectrum Conditions, something I have specialised training and experience in. These assessments usually start with a discussion around what is being noticed, and to gather information about their developmental years. Whilst these assessments are targeted at ADHD and Autism, a broad screen of other mental health difficulties is included to clarify potential differential diagnoses. 


During the process of the assessment, information is collected from the client, if possible their parents, and if relevant, other collateral reports.


Following a confirmed diagnosis, I refer clients into relevant services to be reviewed. 


For clients interested in being assessed for both ADHD and Autism, I offer combined assessments. 


My ADHD assessments usually include:

  • Full clinical interview with the client (and parents, if relevant) to discuss their concerns around potential ADHD and to clarify alignment with diagnostic criteria. 

  • Developmental interview (with parents, if possible) to explore experiences the person has had from birth to the day of assessment. 

  • Psychometric assessment questionnaires completed by the client and available collateral reporters. 

  • Reports on non-home settings from collateral reporters.

  • General mental health screening  questionnaires  to rule in or out other mental health conditions potentially affecting functioning.


My Autism assessments usually include:

  • Full clinical interview with the client (and parents, if relevant) to discuss their concerns around potential Autism and to clarify alignment with diagnostic criteria. 

  • Developmental interview (usually parents, if relevant) to explore experiences the client has had from birth to the day of assessment. 

  • Psychometric assessment questionnaires completed by the client and collateral reporters. 

  • Reports on non-home settings from collateral reporters.

  • General mental health screening  questionnaires completed to rule in or out other mental health conditions potentially affecting functioning.

  • Often, Autism assessments will additionally involve the completion of an Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule (ADOS-2), a specialised assessment tool designed to explore people's interpersonal skills and approach. 


At the end of the assessment, I will provide a full report of the assessment information collected, with additional recommendations for support at home and work/education.




ADHD Assessment

Full Assessment Cost: $1600 incl. GST


Autism Assessment

Full Assessment Cost: $1900 incl. GST


ADHD and Autism Combined Assessment

Full Assessment Cost: $2250 incl. GST

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